A responsive (mobile friendly) WordPress theme with four custom widgets. Built using html5 & css3. This theme comes with many cool features as sliders and widgets, modular featured sections and flexible layout. Demo
== Theme Options ==
From here you can Upload your Logo and customize your RSS URL.
= How to upload your logo =
Find “Click here” and click it, the page will redirect to “Custom Header”, you can upload your logo here.
= How to customize your RSS URL =
Put your full rss subscribe address here.(with http://). If empty, auto-set system defaults.
== Set Up ==
1. There are 5 banner files in thebigbang\images\banners. you can change those file to your banners.
If your blog have sticky posts, it will show 6 sticky posts with at homepage, otherewise it will show latest posts.
2. This theme uses post thumbnails, The best ratio thumbnail is 4:1, for example 2000:500, 1600:400, 1200:300.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 – April 18, 2013 =
First release.